
Finger Paints

There comes a time in every child's life when they discover the great fun that involves getting dirty. It's an indescribable pleasure, in the case of my little monkey I would say that is her greatest passion, I think she found out the first time she put her hands inside the porridge bowl, or maybe before that, when she used to squeeze the bath foam between her fingers, Anyway, since then she is a fan of anything that might slip through her fingers and even more if stains, so yesterday -it was a cold and windy sunday- I bought finger paints and covered the house with rubbish bags. As a result we got some beautiful abstract paintings, lots of dirty clothes, carpets, faces... and the most important of all: A extremely happy baby.

After that, the three got into the tub together, slept the happy little monkey and had a bit of time for daddy, mummy and some Häaggen-Dazs ice-cream watching the silly box.

Llega un momento en la vida de todo niño en el que descubren la gran diversión que implica ensuciarse. Es un placer indescriptible, en el caso de mi little monkey diría que es su mayor pasión  creo que lo descubrió la primera vez que metió las manos dentro del cuenco de papilla, o quizá antes que eso, cuando solía estrujar la espuma de la bañera entre sus dedos. Como sea, desde entonces es fan de cualquier cosa que pueda escurrirse entre sus dedos y aun mas si mancha, así que ayer -fue un frío y lluvioso domingo- compre pinturas de dedos y cubrí toda la casa con bolsas de basura. Como resultado tenemos unas bonitas pinturas abstractas, mucha ropa sucia, alfombras, caras... y lo mas importante de todo: Un bebe increíblemente feliz.

Después de todo los tres nos metimos juntos en la bañera, dormimos a la feliz little monkey y tuvimos algo de tiempo para papa mama y algo de helado Häaggen-Dazs viendo la caja boba.


There's a woman

There is a woman who has something of God in her by the immensity of her love, and that of an angel by the untiring requests for her care; a woman who, being young has the wisdom of a old one, and in her old age works with the vigor of youth; a woman who, if she is ignorant discovers the secrets of life with more success than a sage, and if needed she adapts to the simplicity of children; a woman who, being poor, is fulfilled with the joy from those she loves and being rich, would gladly sacrifice her treasures so her heart will not suffer the wound of ingratitude; a woman who, although weak will sometimes display the fierceness of a lion; a woman who we do not know how to appreciate during her lifetime because all pains are forgetten at her side, but after death, we would give everything we are and everything we have to see her again for one more instant, to receive from her a single hug, to listen to a single word from her lips...

Do not ask me her name if you do not want me to soak your album with tears, for she has already crossed my path.

When your children grow, read this page to them, and they, covering your face with kisses, will say to you that a humble traveller, in payment of the hospitality he has received, has left here for you and them, a portrait of their mother.


Teething Monkey

My little monkey is teething.

Well, is not a new thing, its been like this for six months already, but recently has started with the first molars. Her bum is very irritated... as her mood: she walks around all day in a foul mood looking for all kinds of textures to chew, she loves to chew paper and rubber but doesnt waste the opportunity to bite us if we give her a chance, and during the night she whines and growls while sleeping.
A bit of patience, holy blastoestimulina cream, serum, and a couple of theethers in the freezer make our lives much easier.

A mi little monkey le estan saliendo los dientes.

Bueno, no es algo nuevo, ya lleva así seis meses, pero de recién ha empezado con los primeros molares.
Tiene el culito muy irritado...igual que el humor: anda de un lado a otro todo el día de mal humor buscando todo tipo de texturas para masticar, adora masticar papel y goma pero no desperdicia la oportunidad de mordernos si se la damos, y durante la noche se queja y gimotea mientras duerme.
Un poco de paciencia, bendita blastoestimulina, suero y un par de mordedores en el congelador hacen nuestras vidas mucho mas fáciles.